Who We Are
HDAC is a coalition of people from many different backgrounds. We want to change the idea which exists - saving a few animals and euthanizing the rest - we want to save them all!
Our mission is to bring the NO KILL EQUATION to San Bernardino County one shelter at a time.
The NO KILL EQUATION is a simple formula providing community education about the importance of vaccinating your pets and electronically chipping your pets, while bringing free or affordable spay & neuter clinics to rural and low-income areas. By doing this, we are minimizing the amount of animals that would end up in local shelters.
The High Desert Animal Coalition will work hand-in-hand with our shelters and help network our foster groups and animal sanctuaries.
Our Statistics
Dogs in foster care – 8
Cats in foster care – 16
Dog intake – 526
Cat intake – 112
Spay/Neuter Vouchers for animal owners – 165
*(no spay/neuter clinics due to COVID)
Severe Medical Cases – 28
(parvo & people needing emergency care for their pets)
Dogs sent on transport to Canada partner – 515
Return to owner – 21
(severe medical cases)
Rehabbed & Rehomed – 4
(severe medical cases)
Dogs died in care – 3
Cats died in care – 3
Dogs in foster care end of 2020 – 6
Cats in foster care – 8
Dogs Live Release Rate*: 523/526 = 99.4% Live Release Rate
Cats Live Release Rate*: 109/112 = 97.3% Live Release Rate
(*live release rate is calculated by the total number of animals that left our organization alive divided by the number of total incoming animals)
1st Quarter 2023
Rescue Report
Dogs in foster care – 10
Cats in foster care – 12
Dog intake – 71
Cat intake – 48
Spay Dogs – 65
Spay Cats –14
Neuters Dogs – 60
Neuters Cats – 11
Vaccines – 242
Dogs & Cats transported – 37
Medical Cases – 20
(severe medical cases)
Rehabed and Rehomed – 11
(severe medical cases)
Dogs died in care – 0
Cats died in care – 0
Dogs in foster care end of quarter – 41
Cats in foster care end of quarter – 16
Dogs Live Release Rate*: 71/71 = 100% Live Release Rate
Cats Live Release Rate*: 48/48 = 100% Live Release Rate
(*live release rate is calculated by the total number of animals that left our organization alive divided by the number of total incoming animals)
Dogs in foster care – 6
Cats in foster care – 8
Dog intake – 465
Cat intake – 135
Spay/Neuter Vouchers – 133
Severe Medical Cases – 32
(parvo & people needing emergency care for their pets)
Dogs transported to Canada – 424
Return to owner – 18
(severe medical)
Rehabbed & Rehomed – 10
(severe medical)
Dogs died in care – 4
(parvo from shelters)
Cats died in care – 1
Dogs in foster care end of 2021 – 4
Cats in foster care end of 2021 – 22
Dogs Live Release Rate*: 461/465 = 99.1% Live Release Rate
Cats Live Release Rate*: 134/135 = 99.3% Live Release Rate
(*live release rate is calculated by the total number of animals that left our organization alive divided by the number of total incoming animals)
2024 A Year of Change . . .
HDAC stopped fostering and rescuing animals simply due to the lack of fosters. Being a foster is a huge commitment and life changes and sometimes the fosters have life changing events which prevent them from the commitment.
HDAC currently only contributes towards the spay/neuter of animals and without fosters there aren't any adoption events.
HDAC is not certain if things will change and if they do the website will be updated.
Dogs in foster care – 4
Cats in foster care – 22
Dog intake – 280
Cat intake – 139
Spay/Neuter Vouchers – 169
Severe Medical Cases – 64
Dogs transported to Canada – 261
Return to owner – 34
(severe medical cases)
Rehabbed & Rehomed – 21
(severe medical cases)
Dogs died in care – 3​
Cats died in care – 9
(pan leuk)
Dogs in foster care end of 2022 – 10
Cats in foster care end of 2022 – 12
Dogs Live Release Rate*: 277/280 = 98.9% Live Release Rate
Cats Live Release Rate*: 130/139 = 93.5% Live Release Rate
(*live release rate is calculated by the total number of animals that left our organization alive divided by the number of total incoming animals)
The NO KILL EQUATION is a simple formula of 11 common-sense steps that have proven to bring our shelters into the 21st century.
Our Mission
We promise to speak for those who have no voice, we seek transparency and cooperation from our city and county shelters. We are allies to our local law enforcement and will work to ensure, those who commit crimes against animals, are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
We will work closely with politicians to ensure that stricter laws are created to protect animals and the prevention of animal abuse and to see that those who break the law will be held accountable and prosecuted accordingly.

What we do
We are working hard to provide the following
Affordable Electronic Chipping & Name Tags
Educating the Local Community about Overpopulation Prevention
Affordable or Free Spay & Neuter Clinics
Affordable or Free Vaccinations to Prevent Disease or Illness
Free or Low Cost Emergency Medical Services to Assist Community Pets from Being Relinquished to the Shelters for Euthanasia
Rescuing Animals from our Local Shelters that would be Euthanized due to Medical Illness (such as cancer, parvo puppies, and other curable illnesses)
Networking death-row animals at our local shelters to find them homes
Collaborating and partnering with other rescue groups to get sheltered animals homes
Anything and everything that will keep an animal from entering kill-shelters